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The New Frontier

"The New Frontier"
Director: Stefan Schwartz — Writer(s): Mark Richard — Aired: 4th June 2017 — All images from the episode   prev   next

"The New Frontier" is the second episode of the Third season of Fear the Walking Dead. It aired on 4th June 2017 on AMC.

This is the second episode of Season 3.


Following a harrowing journey, the Clark family arrive at their new home; and Strand faces resistance as he attempts to hold power over his domain.
— Official Synopsis


Based upon AMC's recap.[1] Please add detail and correct any mistakes

The helicopter pilot, Charlene, navigates toward the ranch with Jake sitting next to her in the co-pilot's seat. They are 20 minutes away from the ranch. Travis and Alicia are with Luciana in the back. Out of nowhere, a round of bullets hits the chopper.

Travis is shot, apparently in the neck, but it turns out that the bullet has entered his stomach, traveled upward, exiting at his neck[2], and Travis is aware of this. He clasps his hand over the wound, unbuckles his harness and opens the door. "Help me," Travis tells Alicia. At first she tries to stop him, insisting he's in shock, but she sees how serious his wound is and realises it's too late. She lets Travis fall out of the helicopter to his death.

Refugees clamour at the gate of the Rosarito Beach Hotel, demanding to see the doctor. Elena tells them no, insisting that she can't help them and that they don't have a doctor. Strand arrives and announces that he is a doctor and unlocks the gate. Elena and Hector are angry at Strand, but he tells them that he just saved them — the refugees would have killed them all if he hadn't let them in.

Now on the ground, Jake tells Alicia they must push forward to escape whoever shot the chopper down. Alicia wonders if Travis is still alive, but Jake insists Travis could not have survived the fall.

Troy blasts music as he drives Madison and Nick to his father's ranch, until Madison reaches between the seats and turns it off. She keeps her guard up, still wary of Troy and his motives.

Troy's convoy of vehicles pulls up to Broke Jaw Ranch. A guard tells Troy that Jake hasn't arrived. Troy orders Madison and Nick out of the truck. He drives inside the gate, leaving Madison and Nick outside looking in.

Nick suggests they backtrack and find the rest of their group, but Madison insists they stay put in case the helicopter arrives. She reveals to Nick that she stole a gun off the truck. They can protect themselves if they have to.

Strand treats a patient with minor wounds. Elena urgently summons him to treat someone in dire need of a doctor.

Elena brings Strand to the medical tent, where a woman is about to give birth. Strand insists he is not that kind of doctor, but he agrees to assist when the patient’s husband threatens him with a knife.

Nick doesn't want to stay at the ranch, but Madison reminds him that this is their best shot at medical treatment for Luciana. Troy's father, Jeremiah Otto, introduces himself to Madison and Nick and orders the guard to let them in.

Otto shows Madison and Nick around the ranch and explains that he initially started the camp to prepare for the fall of democracy.

Madison is critical of Troy, but Otto defends his son's behavior by stating that he was just carrying out his mission at the depot. Sensing Madison and Nick's hostility, he points out that most people would be grateful to be at the ranch.

Otto brings Madison and Nick to their bunkhouse and leaves them with a key, Madison thanks him as he leaves. Nick grumbles about Madison being nice to Otto after his son tried to kill them. Madison admits that she doesn't have a plan yet, but they should bide their time.

That night, Charlene takes first watch while Jake and Alicia sit by the campfire. Jake explains that Troy has had behavioral problems since he was a child. They hear a warning whistle from Charlene. Jake gives Alicia a gun, tells her not to follow and runs off to investigate.

Several Infected attack Jake and, eventually, one pins him to a tree. Alicia shoots the Infected, then takes out two more approaching in the darkness. Jake and Alicia discover Charlene's dead body. Jake shoots her in the head to keep her from turning.

After Strand delivers the baby, Hector tells Strand there is another patient in need of his services.

Hector brings Strand to Ilene Stowe's room and asks him to convince her to eat. She has apparently been in there since she stabbed Strand, despondent over the death of her daughter. They talk and Ilene apologizes to Strand for what she did, then asks if he will fix her broken balcony door. She needs fresh air and the door is stuck.

Strand takes care of the door, and Ilene gives him a box with a key inside as a thank you. Before Strand can stop her, Ilene jumps from the balcony to her death.

Alicia tells Jake that Luciana is unconscious. She is worried that they won't make it back to the ranch in time to save her.

A ranch guard looks through his binoculars and sees Jake and Alicia carrying Luciana toward the gate.

Madison is delighted to see Alicia and Lucy. She looks for Travis, then falls to her knees with grief when Alicia tells her he is dead.

Troy predicts that Luciana will soon die and takes out his gun to put her down. Nick begs him not to shoot, but Troy explains it’s their policy to keep dying patients out of the infirmary in case they turn.

Troy agrees to let Nick be the one to kill Luciana. Nick turns the gun on Troy and demands Luciana receive treatment. Otto agrees to treat Luciana in the infirmary. Nick hands the gun back.

Madison sobs in private over the death of Travis. Otto finds her, offers his condolences, and then gently asks her to register the gun that she stole from them. She signs out the gun in his log book.

Nick stands by Luciana's side in the infirmary. He checks in with Alicia and holds her as she weeps over Travis' death.

Strand finds that the key Ilene has given him is to a (very nice and new) Jaguar XK8 in the hotel's parking garage, and he drives off.

Madison tells Nick and Alicia that they're going to make the ranch their home, even if that means they must take it over.



And Rubén Blades as Daniel Salazar (details)



  • Kinsey McLean as Medic, at Broke Jaw Ranch
  • Dominic Bogart as Joe
  • Steve Stafford as Marine Huey Pilot




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Third Season Episodes
Third Season Episodes